A presentation at Protocol Labs Network LabWeek22 in in Lisbon, Portugal by Brooklyn Zelenka
Decentralized Authorization Plumbing for Permissionless Interoperation
The limitation of local knowledge is the fundamental fact about the setting in which we work, and it is a very powerful limitation – Nancy Lynch, A Hundred Impossibility Proofs for Distributed Computing
Brooklyn Zelenka @expede
Brooklyn Zelenka @expede • Cofounder & CTO at Fission • @FissionCodes • https://fission.codes • Tools & protocols for edge & web3 • IPVM, WNFS, Dialog, UCAN, etc • Knows a thing or two about the UCAN spec
Nothing less than connecting all of the world’s users & services. The “HTTP” storage and compute equivalent: open, interoperable, & everywhere. Must be substantially better than Web 2.0
How to Power a New Internet ⚡
How to Power a New Internet ⚡
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Causal Islands 🏖🏝
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Causal Islands 🏖🏝
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Causal Islands 🏖🏝
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Causal Islands 🏖🏝
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ High Level Dependencies
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ High Level Dependencies Compute ⚙
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ High Level Dependencies Compute ⚙ Data 💾
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ High Level Dependencies Compute ⚙ Data 💾 Auth 🎟
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💁
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Too Much & Not Enough 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ What We Want 💾 ⚙ 🛠 💁 🚀
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ OAuth Sequence
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ OAuth Sequence Latency & Locality Problems!
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ UCAN Sequence 🕙 🕙
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Auth Should Be Boring
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Auth Should Be Boring
User Controlled, Local-First, Universal Auth Yes, UCAN! 📐
Yes, UCAN! Wherefore Art Thou UCAN?
Yes, UCAN! Wherefore Art Thou UCAN? DIDs say who you are
Yes, UCAN! Wherefore Art Thou UCAN? DIDs say who you are UCANs show what you can do
Yes, UCAN! Wherefore Art Thou UCAN? AuthN DIDs say who you are UCANs show what you can do AuthZ
Yes, UCAN! Teaser Token eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuNy4wIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6a2V5Ono2TWtzWFFCZkw4b3d6dFRDSlRt N2hOUmY2YjE4WXhYUHAzaTY2b0pIbThMM1lHSiIsImF0dCI6W3sid25mcyI6ImRlbW91c2VyLmZpc3Npb24ubmFtZS9wdWJsaWMvbm90 ZXMvIiwiY2FwIjoiT1ZFUldSSVRFIn1dLCJleHAiOjkyNTY5Mzk1MDUsImlzcyI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa3A1RXN6OXMyTUhzcVl2TG9j Y3lId1g1U2V5WktwcTc5R3Q0NWZGR0VaUjk5IiwibmJmIjoxNjM5NjA4MjkzLCJwcmYiOltdfQ.MgYarLqy7RmQ1AIrqYL6cFy9z7a5W IAU—TYARPSgirOSszvar3_DNr25rbPretHbnT0mMVKyoaQXruR7KbrBg { } “iss”: “did:key:z6Mkp5Esz9s2MHsqYvLoccyHwX5SeyZKpq79Gt45fFGEZR99”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “exp”: 9256939505, “nbf”: 1639608293, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “OVERWRITE” } ]
Yes, UCAN! AuthZ Models
Yes, UCAN! AuthZ Models ACLs 📑 👩🎤 👮 ✋ ⚙ Caps 👩🎤 🎟 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 💂 ✋ ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 📑 💂 ✋ ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 📑 💂 ✋ ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 📑 💂 ✋ ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 🧑🌾 📑 💂 ✋ Not in control ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 📑 In control 🧑🌾 💂 ✋ Not in control ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 📑 💂 ✋ In control 🧑🌾 💂 ✋ Not in control ⚙
Yes, UCAN! ACL Read & Write 📑 💂 ✋ In control 🧑🌾 💂 ✋ Not in control ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr In control 🎟 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr In control 🎟 ⚙ All req info
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🎟 🗺 🎟 🎟 Addr ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 👨🎨 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 🎟 👨🎨 ⚙
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets 🕵 🗺 Addr 🎟 🎟 👨🎨 ⚙ 🎟
Yes, UCAN! Capabilities-as-Tickets ) h t u a r 🕵 🗺 Addr e t a t s e k i (L o f s l e n n a h c 🎟 🎟 ⚙ 👨🎨 🎟
Yes, UCAN! Rights Amplification
Yes, UCAN! Rights Amplification 🥫 ✂
Yes, UCAN! Rights Amplification 🥫 ✨ ✂
Yes, UCAN! Rights Amplification 🥫 ✨ 🥘 ✂
Yes, UCAN! JWT → UCAN Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.0”
Yes, UCAN! JWT → UCAN Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.0” } “iss”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MkvXfPUv8bxtsVQiGo7Ntk4qKJNcgK2it52pc73teUpRLT”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “fct” {“hello”: “world}, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “wnfs/overwrite” }, { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “wnfs/append” } ]
Yes, UCAN! JWT → UCAN Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.0” } “iss”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MkvXfPUv8bxtsVQiGo7Ntk4qKJNcgK2it52pc73teUpRLT”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “fct” {“hello”: “world}, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “wnfs/overwrite” }, { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “wnfs/append” } ] Signature kwRdqPN74pkcpXGgdk7Z7FW3M1mRR YaDE5ZgkG6srAuu6V6mvMVRdBLnD5 CWid-X4tDIKpliVjlCSLTntB4pCw
Yes, UCAN! JWT → UCAN Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.0” } “iss”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MkvXfPUv8bxtsVQiGo7Ntk4qKJNcgK2it52pc73teUpRLT”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “fct” {“hello”: “world}, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “wnfs/overwrite” }, { “with”: “wnfs://demouser.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “wnfs/append” } ] ✅ Signature kwRdqPN74pkcpXGgdk7Z7FW3M1mRR YaDE5ZgkG6srAuu6V6mvMVRdBLnD5 CWid-X4tDIKpliVjlCSLTntB4pCw
Yes, UCAN! Anatomy of a Capability
Yes, UCAN! Anatomy of a Capability [ { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, “can”: “crud/read” }, { “with”: “mailto:boris@fission.codes”, “can”: “msg/send”, “ext”: { to”: “/.*@fission.codes/” } } ]
Yes, UCAN! Anatomy of a Capability [ Resource / “noun” { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, “can”: “crud/read” }, { “with”: “mailto:boris@fission.codes”, “can”: “msg/send”, “ext”: { to”: “/.*@fission.codes/” } } ] (URI)
Yes, UCAN! Anatomy of a Capability [ Resource / “noun” { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, “can”: “crud/read” }, Action / “verb” { “with”: “mailto:boris@fission.codes”, “can”: “msg/send”, “ext”: { to”: “/.*@fission.codes/” } } ] (URI)
Yes, UCAN! Anatomy of a Capability [ Resource / “noun” { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, (URI) “can”: “crud/read” }, Action / “verb” { “with”: “mailto:boris@fission.codes”, “can”: “msg/send”, All the info you need for invocation 😉 “ext”: { to”: “/.*@fission.codes/” } } ] Extensible fields
Yes, UCAN! Composable Standard Library
Yes, UCAN! Composable Standard Library Resource (URI) https: mailto: file: wnfs: dns: news: Action (Cap) crud/create crud/read crud/update crud/destroy msg/send msg/receive group/ban group/join
Yes, UCAN! Semantic Extension
Yes, UCAN! Semantic Extension { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, “can”: “crud/read” } { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/cod_summit/”, “can”: “album/publish” }
Yes, UCAN! Semantic Extension { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/”, “can”: “crud/read” } { “with”: “http://example.com/alice/photos/cod_summit/”, “can”: “album/publish” } album/publish ⇒ crud/read
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 🧑🚀 🍭💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐 👩💻 💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 💐🍭🎨 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐 👩💻 💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses Root 👨🎨 💐🍭🎨 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 From: 👨🎨 To: 🧑🚀 Caps: [🍭, 💐] 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐 👩💻 💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 💐🍭🎨 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 Root Witness From: 👨🎨 To: 🧑🚀 Caps: [🍭, 💐] From: 🧑🚀 To: 👨🦳 Caps: [💐] 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐 👩💻 💐
Yes, UCAN! Chain Witnesses 👨🎨 💐🍭🎨 👨🎨 🍭💐🎨 Root Witness Invoked From: 👨🎨 To: 🧑🚀 Caps: [🍭, 💐] From: 🧑🚀 To: 👨🦳 Caps: [💐] From: 👨🦳 To: 👩💻 Caps: [💐] 🧑🚀 🍭💐 👨🦳 💐 👩💻 💐
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Yes, UCAN! Non-Extractable Browser Keys
Plugging Things Together Composition & Flow 🔌
Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written, and another for which it wasn’t — Alan Perlis, Epigram #16
Composition & Flow Permissionless
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 👨🦳🖥
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🧸
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🧸 👩🚀 🐶
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 🧸 👩🚀 🐶
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🌈 🧸 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 ☁⚙ 👩🚀 🐶
Composition & Flow Permissionless 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🌈 👩🚀 🐶 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 ☁⚙ 💃
Composition & Flow Permissionless 🐦 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🌈 Zero Coordination ✅ 📊 👩🚀 🐶 🧸 🌈 🐶 🔬 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 ☁⚙ 💃
Composition & Flow Revocation 🐦 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🌈 Zero Coordination ✅ 📊 👩🚀 🐶 🧸 🌈 🐶 🔬 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 ☁⚙ 💃
Composition & Flow Revocation 🐦 UCAN CID 👩💻 👨🦳🖥 👨🦳📱 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🍬 🍾 🧸 🌈 🐶 🌈 🌈 Zero Coordination ✅ 📊 👩🚀 🐶 🧸 🌈 🐶 🔬 🍾 🧸 👨🎨 ☁⚙ 💃
Nice theory, how about a… Nontrivial Example 🕊
Nontrivial Example Encoded
Nontrivial Example Decoded Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.1” “iss”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MkvXfPUv8bxtsVQiGo7Ntk4qKJNcgK2it52pc73teUpRLT”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://boris.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “fs/append” }, { “with”: “wnfs://boris.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “fs/append” } ], “prf”: [ “eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuNy4wIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6a 2V5Ono2TWtzWFFCZkw4b3d6dFRDSlRtN2hOUmY2YjE4WXhYUHAzaTY2b0pIbThMM1lHSiIsImF 0dCI6W3sid25mcyI6ImRlbW91c2VyLmZpc3Npb24ubmFtZS9wdWJsaWMvcGhvdG9zLyIsImNhc CI6Ik9WRVJXUklURSJ9XSwiZXhwIjo5MjU2OTM5NTA1LCJpc3MiOiJkaWQ6a2V5Ono2TWtwNUV zejlzMk1Ic3FZdkxvY2N5SHdYNVNleVpLcHE3OUd0NDVmRkdFWlI5OSIsIm5iZiI6MTYzOTYwO DI5MywicHJmIjpbXX0.4TNhuHRrPG9aHo869HXlsNK8_FmlShQ5GzG4itN2NKkyKTbAMoFwTuptG0XFgNIvHulPplVzZYDVDexo76kAw”, “eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuNy4wIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6a 2V5Ono2TWtzWFFCZkw4b3d6dFRDSlRtN2hOUmY2YjE4WXhYUHAzaTY2b0pIbThMM1lHSiIsImF 0dCI6W3sid25mcyI6ImRlbW91c2VyLmZpc3Npb24ubmFtZS9wdWJsaWMvbm90ZXMvIiwiY2FwI joiT1ZFUldSSVRFIn1dLCJleHAiOjkyNTY5Mzk1MDUsImlzcyI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa3A1RXN 6OXMyTUhzcVl2TG9jY3lId1g1U2V5WktwcTc5R3Q0NWZGR0VaUjk5IiwibmJmIjoxNjM5NjA4M jkzLCJwcmYiOltdfQ.MgYarLqy7RmQ1AIrqYL6cFy9z7a5WIAU-TYARPSgirOSszvar3_DNr25rbPretHbnT0mMVKyoaQXruR7KbrBg” ] } Signature kwRdqPN74pkcpXGgdk7Z7FW3M1mRR YaDE5ZgkG6srAuu6V6mvMVRdBLnD5 CWid-X4tDIKpliVjlCSLTntB4pCw
Nontrivial Example Decoded Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.1” “iss”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MkvXfPUv8bxtsVQiGo7Ntk4qKJNcgK2it52pc73teUpRLT”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://boris.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “fs/append” }, { “with”: “wnfs://boris.fission.name/public/notes/”, “can”: “fs/append” } ], “prf”: [ “eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuNy4wIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6a 2V5Ono2TWtzWFFCZkw4b3d6dFRDSlRtN2hOUmY2YjE4WXhYUHAzaTY2b0pIbThMM1lHSiIsImF 0dCI6W3sid25mcyI6ImRlbW91c2VyLmZpc3Npb24ubmFtZS9wdWJsaWMvcGhvdG9zLyIsImNhc CI6Ik9WRVJXUklURSJ9XSwiZXhwIjo5MjU2OTM5NTA1LCJpc3MiOiJkaWQ6a2V5Ono2TWtwNUV zejlzMk1Ic3FZdkxvY2N5SHdYNVNleVpLcHE3OUd0NDVmRkdFWlI5OSIsIm5iZiI6MTYzOTYwO DI5MywicHJmIjpbXX0.4TNhuHRrPG9aHo869HXlsNK8_FmlShQ5GzG4itN2NKkyKTbAMoFwTuptG0XFgNIvHulPplVzZYDVDexo76kAw”, “eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuNy4wIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6a 2V5Ono2TWtzWFFCZkw4b3d6dFRDSlRtN2hOUmY2YjE4WXhYUHAzaTY2b0pIbThMM1lHSiIsImF 0dCI6W3sid25mcyI6ImRlbW91c2VyLmZpc3Npb24ubmFtZS9wdWJsaWMvbm90ZXMvIiwiY2FwI joiT1ZFUldSSVRFIn1dLCJleHAiOjkyNTY5Mzk1MDUsImlzcyI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa3A1RXN 6OXMyTUhzcVl2TG9jY3lId1g1U2V5WktwcTc5R3Q0NWZGR0VaUjk5IiwibmJmIjoxNjM5NjA4M jkzLCJwcmYiOltdfQ.MgYarLqy7RmQ1AIrqYL6cFy9z7a5WIAU-TYARPSgirOSszvar3_DNr25rbPretHbnT0mMVKyoaQXruR7KbrBg” ] } Signature kwRdqPN74pkcpXGgdk7Z7FW3M1mRR YaDE5ZgkG6srAuu6V6mvMVRdBLnD5 CWid-X4tDIKpliVjlCSLTntB4pCw
Nontrivial Example Decoded Witness Payload { Header { } “alg”: “EdDSA”, “typ”: “JWT”, “ucv”: “0.9.1” } “iss”: “did:key:z6Mkp5Esz9s2MHsqYvLoccyHwX5SeyZKpq79Gt45fFGEZR99”, “aud”: “did:key:z6MksXQBfL8owztTCJTm7hNRf6b18YxXPp3i66oJHm8L3YGJ”, “nbf”: 1639608293, “exp”: 9256939505, “att”: [ { “with”: “wnfs://boris.fission.name/public/photos/”, “can”: “fs/append” } ], “prf”: [] Signature 4TNhuHRrPG9aHo869HXlsNK8_FmlShQ5GzG 4itN2NKkyKTbAMoFwTuptG0XFgNIvHulPplVzZYDVDe xo76kAw
Nontrivial Example ucan.xyz — Online Explorer / Validator
Nontrivial Example ucan.xyz — Online Explorer / Validator
Nontrivial Example ucan.xyz — Online Explorer / Validator
Nontrivial Example ucan.xyz — Online Explorer / Validator
Further Reading Adoption 📚
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Still Extremely Early Days for Web3!
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Still Extremely Early Days for Web3!
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Still Extremely Early Days for Web3!
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Still Extremely Early Days for Web3!
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ User Problems
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ User Problems Service composition is too hard for many devs
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ User Problems Service composition is too hard for many devs (D)app UX is too hard for many users
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ User Problems Service composition is too hard for many devs (D)app UX is too hard for many users No one is in control of their data or compute
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Adoption
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Adoption Be a Trojan Horse Build on widely supported, familiar, well-understood standards
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Adoption
How to Power a New Internet ⚡ Adoption Play Nice with Others Plug into existing tools Bridge to other standards Integrate with other systems Realpolitik Easier, as secure, & more open than: OAuth, X.509, SAML, MetaMask, WalletConnect, etc
Further Reading Resources 📚
Resources (Some) Existing Subprojects
Resources (Some) Existing Subprojects https://github.com/ucan-wg/ Spec, Improvement Proposals ts-ucan rs-ucan go-ucan hs-ucan ucan-ipld ucan-bearer-token AWAKE
Resources Upcoming
Resources Upcoming Get to a “LTS” v1.0 — Q1 2023 ucan-cacao / SIWE WhoCAN 🦉 ucan-invocation ucan-chan (state channels) ucan-wg/cosigner
Resources Invocation
Resources Invocation UCAN as RPC System at DAG House IPVM
Resources Further Reading
Resources Further Reading https://talk.fission.codes/t/user-controlled-authorization-networks-ucan-resources/1122 Capability Myths Demolished (https://srl.cs.jhu.edu/pubs/SRL2003-02.pdf) ACLs Don’t (http://waterken.sourceforge.net/aclsdont/current.pdf) https://erights.org https://theworld.com/~cme/html/spki.html
https://ucan.xyz https://github.com/ucan-wg 🎉 Thank You, CoD Summit 🇵🇹 brooklyn@fission.codes https://fission.codes github.com/expede @expede