A presentation at QCon London in in London, UK by Holly Cummins
Thinking Strategically about The Internet of Things Holly Cummins @holly_cummins
I’m from IBM’s Bluemix Garage. @holly_cummins
Me I would like the Bluemix Garage to help me with an IoT project. Customer Oooh! I love the internet of things! @holly_cummins
This is what I’m imagining when I hear ‘Internet of Things.’ @holly_cummins
This is what I’m imagining when I hear ‘Internet of Things.’ @holly_cummins
Entrance, IBM IoT Lab, Munich @holly_cummins
IBM Watson IoT Centre, Munich @holly_cummins
Edge Cool stuff happens at this intersection. Cloud @holly_cummins
Edge Cool stuff happens at this intersection. Cloud @holly_cummins
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke @holly_cummins
Computers are now ubiquitous in almost everything we interact with. @holly_cummins
These computers are now going online. @holly_cummins
These computers are now going online. 9 billion of them are online now. @holly_cummins
These computers are now going online. 9 billion of them are online now. There will be 20 - 50 billion connected devices by 2020. @holly_cummins
A computer. As a free conference giveaway. @holly_cummins
Is Java relevant for IoT? @holly_cummins
Java is relevant for IoT. @holly_cummins
“Write once, run anywhere.” @holly_cummins
These devices can run powerful software. @holly_cummins
There’s a WebSphere server running in that ball. photo courtesy of re:develop conference, Bournemouth @holly_cummins
HARDCORE SYSTEMS ENGINEER Java is a great fit for embedded devices … because it makes stuff easy. @holly_cummins
HARDCORE SYSTEMS ENGINEER spinning in grave Java is a great fit for embedded devices … because it makes stuff easy. @holly_cummins
You can do IoT if you can … @holly_cummins
get data in and out You can do IoT if you can … @holly_cummins
get data in and out You can do IoT if you can … read and write to pins @holly_cummins
public class PinReader { private int pinNumber = 0; public int analogRead(int sensorPin) throws IOException { String pin = “/proc/adc” + pinNumber; FileReader fr = new FileReader(pin); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String string = br.readLine(); fr.close(); // Strip off the name of the pin int value = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(5)); @holly_cummins
public class PinReader { private int pinNumber = 0; Pins are just files public int analogRead(int sensorPin) throws IOException { String pin = “/proc/adc” + pinNumber; FileReader fr = new FileReader(pin); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String string = br.readLine(); fr.close(); // Strip off the name of the pin int value = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(5)); @holly_cummins
client.publishEvent(“reading”, reading); @holly_cummins
public class LightFlasher implements CommandCallback { @Override public void processCommand(Command cmd) { System.out.println(“Flashing lights: ” + cmd); flash(); } @holly_cummins
Demo. Anyone want popcorn? @holly_cummins
popcorn maker application server http hungry user raspberry pi MQTT MQTT MQTT Watson IoT foundation (MQTT broker) http Edimax smart plug @holly_cummins
Is this actually useful? @holly_cummins
The problem we were solving was that we needed an excuse for a popcorn maker at work. :) @holly_cummins
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2016/05/26/the-internet-of-things-a-revolution/ @holly_cummins
I’ve got form in this area. @holly_cummins
There’s a WebSphere server running in that hat. Very useful. Obviously. @holly_cummins
I’m not the only one. @holly_cummins
The propane gauge which is read by phone. @holly_cummins
The £160 IoT hairbrush which listens to your hair. @holly_cummins
Do we really want a future where our interaction with everything is mediated by a smartphone? @holly_cummins
The power comes from connections. @holly_cummins
We can solve so many incredible problems. @holly_cummins
Imagine … pill bottles that light up when it’s time to take the medicine. @holly_cummins
Imagine … facto ries tha t know what’s (Industry 4.0) happen ing insid e them. @holly_cummins
Imagine … cameras that detect wear in springs as as a train runs by. @holly_cummins
Imagine … cars that figure out how the next generation of cars should be built. @holly_cummins
Imagine … knowing the exact weather conditions, everywhere. @holly_cummins
Macroscopes will help us understand Earth’s complexity in infinite detail. Unlike the microscope, a “macroscope” harnesses data from billions of IoT devices using software and algorithms to address large-scale challenges such as availability of food, water and energy. @holly_cummins
Tools Learning @holly_cummins
Data. Lots of It. @holly_cummins
We want to be able to predict equipment failure, so we’ve wired up our factory for IoT. Me Customer @holly_cummins
We want to be able to predict equipment failure, so we’ve wired up our factory for IoT. Me Good idea! Customer @holly_cummins
We want to be able to predict equipment failure, so we’ve wired up our factory for IoT. Me Good idea! Customer That was a few years ago. We’re not doing anything with the data… @holly_cummins
We want to be able to predict equipment failure, so we’ve wired up our factory for IoT. Me Good idea! Customer Oh. That was a few years ago. We’re not doing anything with the data… @holly_cummins
We want to be able to predict equipment failure, so we’ve wired up our factory for IoT. Me Good idea! Customer Oh. That was a few years ago. We’re not doing anything with the data… … except storing it. There’s kind of a lot now. @holly_cummins
You’re going to need a data lake. @holly_cummins
You’re going to need a data lake. … and if you never use what’s in the data lake, that’s a big missed opportunity. @holly_cummins
Handle a never-ending avalanche of data. @holly_cummins
minimum requirement Handle a never-ending avalanche of data. @holly_cummins
minimum requirement Handle a never-ending avalanche of data. Combine structured and unstructured data for new insights. @holly_cummins
minimum requirement Handle a never-ending avalanche of data. Combine structured and unstructured data for new insights. “cognitive computing” @holly_cummins
Security @holly_cummins
What if our things turn against us? @holly_cummins
If IoT is scary in our homes, just imagine what it could do to our businesses? @holly_cummins
expected attack vector @holly_cummins
expected attack vector IoT attack vector @holly_cummins
Hundreds of thousands of cameras and TV recorders working together brought down the Dyn DNS provider in a DDoS. @holly_cummins
In the future, do we need to fear our DVRs and air conditioners? @holly_cummins
get data in and out You can do IoT if you can … read and write to pins @holly_cummins
get data in and out You can do IoT if you can … This may be part of the problem. read and write to pins @holly_cummins
The hotel is now going to downgrade doors to old fashioned locks and real keys. @holly_cummins
Is disconnection the solution? @holly_cummins
How about … we educate ourselves and make better design decisions? @holly_cummins
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” @holly_cummins
Reliability @holly_cummins
“ Holly, I s aw a vide o of your throwable application server talk. I thought you handled the fact that the demo failed really well. Are there any videos where it actually works?” - My mother @holly_cummins
software network hardware @holly_cummins
What could possibly go wrong? software network hardware @holly_cummins
The more moving parts, the more opportunity for failure. @holly_cummins
But …what does it all mean? @holly_cummins
What can you imagine for your domain? @holly_cummins
Questions? @holly_cummins
Cool? Useful? Disruptor? All of the above? IoT is having an impact on more and more industries. As the cost of instrumenting things and collecting data drops, the possibilities for what we can control and the kind of insights we can gather increase. Not only is IoT hardware cheaper and more pervasive, developing IoT software is now far more accessible. That doesn’t mean there aren’t tricky bits. Does Java have relevance in the IoT world? How can you keep the system reliable and handle failure in a cost-effective way? How can you cope with the data volumes? What’s the best way to turn raw data into insight?
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Great talk! I’ve been wanting to dive into pi IoT development for ages. Given me a few ideas for little projects try!
— Harry Winser (@Hazz223) March 8, 2017
"#IoT is as intriguing as it is scary" - thought provoking talk by @holly_cummins @qconlondon
— Manuel Pais #blacklivesmatter (@manupaisable) March 8, 2017
When the internet if things is just an inconvenience! Part of an interesting talk by @holly_cummins #qconlondon https://t.co/uBEGVVU179
— Stephen Holt (@SteveRwanda) March 8, 2017
Making popcorn with a raspberry pi, Java and the IoT. With @holly_cummins #qconlondon pic.twitter.com/4N46oswBQi
— Stephen Holt (@SteveRwanda) March 8, 2017
"My life is not improved in any way if my coffee machine need to reboot before it can make coffee" @holly_cummins #qconlondon
— Charles Humble (@charleshumble) March 8, 2017
.@holly_cummins shows #qconlondon attendees what the key parts of an #IoT solution look like #java pic.twitter.com/5XiawUo1RP
— QCon London (@qconlondon) March 8, 2017
"Anyone can do #IoT. Any device can be casually connected to the internet." @holly_cummins #qconlondon
— Charles Humble (@charleshumble) March 8, 2017
It was a deliberate error, honest! (I suspected it would happen and even had a slide about the flaw later on … :) ) https://t.co/6ABAZBYR6H
— Holly Cummins (@holly_cummins) March 8, 2017
All of Churchill Room smells of popcorn thanks to @holly_cummins. Yum! #qconlondon
— Trisha Gee (@trisha_gee) March 8, 2017
. @holly_cummins on putting a chip in everything just for the sake of it. Reminds me of @internetofshit #qconlondon pic.twitter.com/MrKY6RA21c
— Matt Long (@burythehammer) March 8, 2017
Setting up my @qconlondon #IoT talk. What could possibly go wrong? pic.twitter.com/ftkUsN8tYI
— Holly Cummins (@holly_cummins) March 8, 2017
"All of us who do #IoT just want toys. Some of us get better toys than others" @holly_cummins #qconlondon
— Charles Humble (@charleshumble) March 8, 2017