Introducting state machines and statecharts

A presentation at React Finland in in Helsinki, Finland by Laura Kalbag

Introducing state machines and statecharts

Introducing state machines and statecharts

Statecharts are a visual language

Statecharts are a visual language





Finite State Machines

Finite State Machines

Initial states

Initial states

Final states

Final states

Compound states

Compound states

Atomic states

Atomic states

Parallel states

Parallel states



Statecharts as a tool

Statecharts as a tool

Planning statecharts

Planning statecharts

Delayed transitions

Delayed transitions



Why should I use statecharts for state management?

Why should I use statecharts for state management?

State machines and statecharts can seem intimidating. Especially if you (like me!) didn’t study computer science, aren’t big into maths, or just haven’t come across state machines and statecharts before. In this session, you’ll get a whirlwind introduction to state machines and statecharts, no prior knowledge and no coding experience required. Are you already familiar with state machines and statecharts but want to get a better understanding of the benefits and how to convince your team to get onboard? That’ll be covered too. You could be a developer, designer, project manager, multi-disciplinarian or fancy specialist, I believe everyone can get something out of this talk, so join me!
