A presentation at RivieraDev in in Sophia Antipolis, France by Horacio Gonzalez
Web components en 2019, on en est où ? Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany @LostInBrittany
Who are we? Introducing myself and introducing OVH @LostInBrittany
Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany Spaniard lost in Brittany, developer, dreamer and all-around geek Flutter @LostInBrittany
OVH: A Global Leader on Cloud 200k Private cloud VMs running 1 Dedicated IaaS Europe 2018 27 Datacenters Own 15 Tbps Hosting capacity : 1.3M Physical Servers 360k Servers already deployed 2020 50 Datacenters Netwok with 35 PoPs
1.3M Customers in 138 Countries @LostInBrittany
OVH : Key Figures 1.3M Customers worldwide in 138 Countries 1.5 Billions euros investment over five years 28 Datacenters (growing) 350k Dedicated Servers 200k Private cloud VMs running 650k Public cloud Instances created in a month 20TB bandwidth capacity 35 Points of presence 4TB Anti DDoS capacity Hosting capacity : 1.3M Physical Servers @LostInBrittany
Ranking & Recognition 1st European Cloud Provider* 1st Hosting provider in Europe 1st Provider Microsoft Exchange Certified vCloud Datacenter Certified Kubernetes platform (CNCF) Vmware Global Service Provider 2013-2016 Veeam Best Cloud Partner of the year (2018) @LostInBrittany
OVH: Our solutions Cloud Web Hosting Mobile Hosting Telecom VPS Containers ▪ Dedicated Server Domain names VoIP Public Cloud Compute ▪ Data Storage Email SMS/Fax Private Cloud ▪ Network and Database CDN Virtual desktop Serveur dédié Security Object Storage Web hosting Cloud HubiC Over theBox ▪ Licences Cloud Desktop Securities MS Office Hybrid Cloud Messaging MS solutions @LostInBrittany
We want the code! https://github.com/LostInBrittany/web-components-interop @LostInBrittany
Some thoughts on tooling Because complexity matters @LostInBrittany
Web dev has become complex It seems you need lots of complex tools @LostInBrittany
But modern JavaScript makes it easy ● ● ● ● Supported almost everywhere Classes More expressive syntax Native module system @LostInBrittany
Why use tools in dev? @pika/web No bundling or transpiling needed https://www.pikapkg.com/blog/pika-web-a-future-without-webpack/ @LostInBrittany
The 3 minutes context What the heck are web component? @LostInBrittany
Web Components Web standard W3C @LostInBrittany
Web Components Available in all modern browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome @LostInBrittany
Web Components Create your own HTML tags Encapsulating look and behavior @LostInBrittany
Web Components Fully interoperable With other web components, with any framework @LostInBrittany
Web Components @LostInBrittany
Custom Element
<body> … <script> window.customElements.define(‘my-element’, class extends HTMLElement {…}); </script> <my-element></my-element> </body> @LostInBrittanyShadow DOM <button>Hello, world!</button> <script> var host = document.querySelector(‘button’); const shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({mode:’open’}); shadowRoot.textContent = ‘こんにちは、影の世界!’; </script> @LostInBrittany
Template <template id=”mytemplate”> <img src=”” alt=”great image”> <div class=”comment”></div> </template> var t = document.querySelector(‘#mytemplate’); // Populate the src at runtime. t.content.querySelector(‘img’).src = ‘logo.png’; var clone = document.importNode(t.content, true); document.body.appendChild(clone); @LostInBrittany
But in fact, it’s just an element… ● ● ● ● @LostInBrittany
Sometimes I feel a bit grumpy The stories of the grumpy old speaker… @LostInBrittany
On Polymer tour since 2014 @LostInBrittany
Image: bu.edu Web components == Revolution @LostInBrittany
Images: BitRebels & Brickset Building a world brick by brick @LostInBrittany
Is the promise unfulfilled? It’s 2019 now, where is your revolution, dude? @LostInBrittany
Is it a conspiracy? @LostInBrittany
Am I only a dreamer? @LostInBrittany
Well, revolution IS there But it’s a silent one… @LostInBrittany
They are there, in everyday sites More than you can imagine @LostInBrittany
The components architecture won Components, components everywhere @LostInBrittany
Web components ARE platform Truly part of the platform… @LostInBrittany
Why those libs? Why people don’t use vanilla? @LostInBrittany
Web component standard is low level At it should be! @LostInBrittany
Standard == basic bricks Standard exposes an API to: ○ Define elements ○ Encapsulate DOM @LostInBrittany
Libraries are helpers They give you higher-level primitives @LostInBrittany
Different high-level primitives Each one tailored to a use @LostInBrittany
Sharing the same base High-performant, low-level, in-the-platform web components standard @LostInBrittany
Libraries aren’t a failure of standard They happen by design @LostInBrittany
Vanilla Web Components @LostInBrittany
A very basic web component class MyElement extends HTMLElement { // This gets called when the HTML parser sees your tag constructor() { super(); // always call super() first in the ctor. this.msg = ‘Hello, RivieraDev!’; } // Called when your element is inserted in the DOM or // immediately after the constructor if it’s already in the DOM connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = <p>${this.msg}</p>
; } } customElements.define(‘my-element’, MyElement);
Custom Elements: ● Let you define your own HTML tag with bundled JS behavior ● Trigger lifecycle callbacks ● Automatically “upgrade” your tag when inserted in the document @LostInBrittany
Custom Elements don’t: ● Scope CSS styles ○ Shadow DOM ● Scope JavaScript ○ ES2015 ● “Reproject” children into <slot> elements ○ Shadow DOM @LostInBrittany
Adding ShadowDOM class MyElementWithShadowDom extends HTMLElement { // This gets called when the HTML parser sees your tag constructor() { super(); // always call super() first in the ctor. this.msg = ‘Hello from inside the ShadowDOM, RivieraDev!’; this.attachShadow({ mode: ‘open’ }); } // Called when your element is inserted in the DOM or // immediately after the constructor if it’s already in the DOM connectedCallback() { this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = <p>${this.msg}</p>
; } } customElements.define(‘my-element-with-shadowdom’, MyElementWithShadowDom);
Using web components <!doctype html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8”> <title>Testing basic web component</title> <style> p { color: brown; } </style> </head> <body> <my-element></my-element> <my-element-with-shadowdom></my-element-with-shadowdom> <script src=”my-element.js”></script> <script src=”my-element-with-shadowdom.js”></script> </body> </html> @LostInBrittany
Using web components @LostInBrittany
Lifecycle callbacks class MyElementLifecycle extends HTMLElement { constructor() { // Called when an instance of the element is created or upgraded super(); // always call super() first in the ctor. } static get observedAttributes() { // Tells the element which attributes to observer for changes return []; } connectedCallback() { // Called every time the element is inserted into the DOM } disconnectedCallback() { // Called every time the element is removed from the DOM. } attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldVal, newVal) { // Called when an attribute was added, removed, or updated } adoptedCallback() { // Called if the element has been moved into a new document } } @LostInBrittany
my-counter custom element class MyCounter extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._counter = 0; this.attachShadow({ mode: ‘open’ }); } connectedCallback() { this.render(); this.display(); } static get observedAttributes() { return [‘counter’] } attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldVal, newVal) { if (oldVal !== newVal) { this[attr] = newVal; } } @LostInBrittany
my-counter custom element get counter() { return this._counter; } set counter(value) { if (value != this._counter) { this._counter = Number.parseInt(value); this.setAttribute(‘counter’, value); this.display(); } } increment() { this.counter = this.counter + 1; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( ‘increased’, { detail: { counter: this.counter } })); } @LostInBrittany
my-counter-with-templates let template = <style> ... </style> <div class="container"> <div id="icon"> <img src="../step-05/img/web-components.png"> </div> <div id="value"> 0 </div> </div>
my-counter-with-templates render() { let templ = document.createElement(‘template’); templ.innerHTML = template; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(templ.content.cloneNode(true)); let button = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(‘icon’); button.addEventListener(‘click’, this.increment.bind(this)); } display() { console.log(this.shadowRoot.getElementById(‘value’)) this.shadowRoot.getElementById(‘value’).innerHTML = ${this.counter}
; }
my-counter custom element @LostInBrittany
Let’s talk libraries What’s new? @LostInBrittany
Lot’s of players, lot of evolutions LitElement SkateJS It’s JavaScript after all… @LostInBrittany
Stencil Powering the new Ionic 4! @LostInBrittany
Not another library A Web Component compiler @LostInBrittany
Not a beta anymore Ionic 4 released, powered by Stencil! @LostInBrittany
A build time tool To generate standard web components @LostInBrittany
Fully featured ● Virtual DOM ● Async rendering ● Reactive data-binding ● TypeScript ● JSX @LostInBrittany
And the cherry on the cake Server-Side Rendering @LostInBrittany
Hands on Stencil Clone the starter project git clone https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil-app-starter my-app cd my-app git remote rm origin npm install Start a live-reload server npm start @LostInBrittany
Hands on Stencil @LostInBrittany
Hands on Stencil @LostInBrittany
Some concepts render() { return ( <div>Hello {this.name}</div> ) } render() { return ( <div>{this.name ? <p>Hello {this.name}</p> : <p>Hello World</p>}</div> ); } JSX declarative template syntax @LostInBrittany
Some concepts import { Component } from ‘@stencil/core’; @Component({ tag: ‘todo-list’, styleUrl: ‘todo-list.scss’ }) export class TodoList { @Prop() color: string; @Prop() favoriteNumber: number; @Prop() isSelected: boolean; @Prop() myHttpService: MyHttpService; } Decorators @LostInBrittany
Some concepts import { Event, EventEmitter } from ‘@stencil/core’; … export class TodoList { @Event() todoCompleted: EventEmitter; someAction(todo: Todo) { this.todoCompleted.emit(todo); } @Listen(‘todoCompleted’) todoCompletedHandler(event: CustomEvent) { console.log(‘Received the custom todoCompleted event: ‘, event.detail); } } Events @LostInBrittany
Some concepts @Component({ tag: ‘shadow-component’, styleUrl: ‘shadow-component.scss’, shadow: true }) export class ShadowComponent { } Optional Shadow DOM @LostInBrittany
Some concepts stencil.config.js exports.config = { namespace: ‘myname’, generateDistribution: true, generateWWW: false, … }; Generate distribution @LostInBrittany
Stencil import { Component, Prop, PropWillChange, State, Event, EventEmitter } from ‘@stencil/core’; @Component({ tag: ‘stencil-counter’, styleUrl: ‘stencil-counter.scss’, shadow: true }) export class StencilCounter { @Prop() counter: number; @State() currentCount: number; @Event() currentCountChanged: EventEmitter; @Watch(‘counter’) counterChanged(newValue: number) { this.currentCount = newValue; } componentWillLoad() { this.currentCount = this.counter; } increase() { this.currentCount++; this.currentCountChanged.emit({ counter: this.currentCount }); } render() { return ( <div class=”container”> <div class=”button” onClick={() => this.increase()}> <img src=”./img/stencil.png” /> </div> <div class=”value” > {this.currentCount} </div> </div> ); } } @LostInBrittany
Polymer Is the old player still alive? @LostInBrittany
Polymer has evolved in 2018 Image: © Nintendo Polymer 3 is here! @LostInBrittany
Classes, JavaScript modules… import {html, PolymerElement} from ‘/node_modules/@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js’; class MyPolymerCounter extends PolymerElement { static get template() { <style> :host { font-size: 5rem; } button { font-size: 5rem; border-radius: 1rem; padding: 0.5rem 2rem; } </style> <button on-click=”increment”>+</button> <span>[[counter]]</span> `; } @LostInBrittany
But it’s still mostly syntactic sugar static get properties() { return { counter: { type: Number, reflectToAttribute:true, value: 0 } }; } increment() { this.counter = Number.parseInt(this.counter) + 1; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(‘increased’, {detail: {counter: this.counter}})); } } window.customElements.define(‘my-polymer-counter’, MyPolymerCounter); @LostInBrittany
And they are still custom elements 100% interoperable @LostInBrittany
Interoperation pattern <div class=”container”> <my-polymer-counter counter=”[[value]]” on-increased=”_onCounterChanged”></my-polymer-counter> <my-counter counter=”[[value]]” on-increased=”_onCounterChanged”></my-counter> </div> <div class=”container”> <div class=”value”>Shared value: [[value]]</div> </div> Attributes for data in Events for data out @LostInBrittany
What’s Polymer status today? Well, how could I say… it’s complicated @LostInBrittany
It seems it’s going to be deprecated… Technically yes… and that means good @LostInBrittany news!
Let’s try to see clearer Let’s dive into Polymer history… @LostInBrittany
A tool built for another paradigm No web component support on browsers No React, Angular or Vue innovations @LostInBrittany
No so well suited for the current one The current platform is way more powerful The state of art has evolved @LostInBrittany
Let’s learn from its lessons The current platform is way more powerful The state of art has evolved @LostInBrittany
And let it rest… There will have no Polymer 4… @LostInBrittany
So Polymer as we know it is dead… But the Polymer Project is indeed alive! @LostInBrittany
But I have invested so much on it! What to do? @LostInBrittany
That’s why web components are top You can keep using all your Polymer components and create the new ones with a new library… And it simply works! @LostInBrittany
And without metaphors? Polymer Project != Polymer library Polymer Project well alive Polymer library was only one library @LostInBrittany
Polymer Is the old player still alive? @LostInBrittany
LitElement New kid on the block @LostInBrittany
Born from the Polymer team For the new web paradigm @LostInBrittany
Modern lightweight web components For the new web paradigm @LostInBrittany
Based on lit-html An efficient, expressive, extensible HTML templating library for JavaScript @LostInBrittany
Do you know tagged templates? function uppercaseExpression(strings, …expressionValues) { var finalString = ” for ( let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++ ) { if (i > 0) { finalString += expressionValues[i - 1].toUpperCase() } finalString += strings[i] } return finalString } const
expressions = [ ‘Tours’, ‘Touraine Tech’,
‘Thank you’];
console.log( uppercaseExpressionI am so happy to be in ${expressions[0]} for ${expressions[1]} again! ${expressions[2]}, ${expressions[1]}!
Little known functionality of template literals @LostInBrittany
lit-html Templates
let myTemplate = (data) => html<h1>${data.title}</h1> <p>${data.body}</p>
Lazily rendered Generates a TemplateResult @LostInBrittany
It’s a bit like JSX, isn’t it? The good sides of JSX… but in the standard! @LostInBrittany
LitElement import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element’; // Create your custom component class CustomGreeting extends LitElement { // Declare properties static get properties() { return { name: { type: String } }; } // Initialize properties constructor() { super(); this.name = ‘World’; } // Define a template render() { return html<p>Hello, ${this.name}!</p>
; } } // Register the element with the browser customElements.define(‘custom-greeting’, CustomGreeting);
Lightweight web-components using lit-html @LostInBrittany
One more thing…* *Let’s copy from the master @LostInBrittany
Polymer is not important WebComponents ARE @LostInBrittany
Use the Platform, Luke… WebComponents ARE native @LostInBrittany
Do you love your framework? Oh yeah, we all do @LostInBrittany
Would you marry your framework? Like until death… @LostInBrittany
How much does cost the divorce? Do you remember when you dropped AngularJS for Angular? @LostInBrittany
Why recode everything again? Reuse the bricks in your new framework @LostInBrittany
Lots of web components libraries LitElement SkateJS For different need and sensibilities @LostInBrittany
And some good news Angular Elements Vue Web Component Wrapper Frameworks begin to understand it @LostInBrittany
So for your next app Choose a framework, no problem… But please, help your future self Use Web Components! @LostInBrittany
Conclusion That’s all folks! @LostInBrittany
Depuis quelques années on a entendu parler des web components, ce beau discours d’un développement web basé enfin sur une vraie architecture en composants, de la réutilisation, de la modularisation, de l’encapsulation…
Mais force est de constater que aujourd’hui, en fin 2018, cette vision a du mal à se concrétiser, les frameworks comme React, Angular ou Vue ont encore la part belle des feux des projecteurs et le discours des web components sont presque inaudibles.
Et pourtant plein de choses se sont passées cette dernière année, et les web components sont aujourd’hui sur plein de sites et des applications que nous utilisons tous les jours, sans qu’on les remarque. La révolution est bien en marche, mais elle est plutôt silencieuse…
Dans ce talk on va commencer par faire un tour de table sur les différentes bibliothèques de web components disponibles aujourd’hui, leurs caractéristiques, leur philosophie et leurs use cases.
Ensuite on va se centrer sur le futur de mon projet favorite : Polymer. La v3 est sortie il y a quelques mois, et en plus de mettre enfin l’outillage en phase avec les standards du marché (npm…) elle nous annonce un beau futur avec des composants plus légers, plus performants, plus proches de la plateforme et avec un rendering basé sur vrai concurrent de JSX mais qui s’intègre 100% sur les standards du web : lit-html. On parlera donc de LitElement, on fera des demos, on verra du code…
Pour finir on va voir comment il est simple aujourd’hui d’intégrer les web components sur n’importe quel project web, du legacy avec jQuery à la dernière app avec React, du projet en Angular à l’application en Vue JS. Des composants interopérables plug and play pour vos applications qui montrent encore une fois l’intérêt de cette révolution des web components.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
On commence avec "Web Components en 2019, on en est où ?" par @LostInBrittany ! 😀#DeepDive pic.twitter.com/rVB0mvdvjt
— RivieraDEV (@RivieraDEV) May 15, 2019