Developing for the cloud… in the cloud!

A presentation at Container Day Italia by Horacio Gonzalez

Are you contributing to a new project with the work computer, whose locking set by the IT makes it super complicated to install tools, develop from their iPad because we are on the move and we have no more battery on the laptop, develop on the same project but with completely different settings depending on the environment, do a quick fix on a repository without having to download half of the internet on his position…? We will explain and demonstrate how to use GitPod to set up a development environment in a few minutes, how not to spend a weekend preparing for the arrival of a development team, how to use GitPod with GitLab or GitHub to provide turnkey environments for projects, workshops, training… In short, at the end of our talk, you will know how to use GitPod, and you might even be ‘hooked’ on this IDE in the cloud.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.