A presentation at SydCSS in June 2018 in Sydney NSW, Australia by Andy Clarke
Art Direction for the Web by Andy Clarke Five minutes with CSS Template Areas @malarkey
Art Direction for the Web by Andy Clarke
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body { display: grid; grid-column-gap : 2vw; grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr); }
[role="banner"] { grid-area: banner; } .title { grid-area: title ; } main { grid-area: main ; } aside { grid-area: aside ; } .fig-1 { grid-area: fig-1 ; } .fig-2 { grid-area: fig-2 ; }
body { grid-template-rows: repeat(3, auto); }
body { grid-template-areas: “ . . . . . " " . . . . . " " . . . . . "; }
body { grid-template-areas: “. aside . fig-2 fi g-2" "title title banner banner banner" "fig-1 main banner banner banner"; }
body { grid-template-columns: 50px repeat(2, 1fr); } @media screen and (min-width : 64em) { body { grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr); } }
body { grid-template-areas: […]; } @media screen and (min-width : 64em) { body { grid-template-areas: […]; } }
Available September ’18 stuffandnonsense.co.uk/books @malarkey
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