Testcontainers-java • Created 7 years ago (Docker is 8 years old) • github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java
• Uses docker-java API • Integrates with frameworks, like Spring, JUnit • Works with anything that runs in a Docker container
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Container lifecycle & cleanup
Container & service con guration
Integration with frameworks
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Kubernetes in Java?
K3S Lightweight Single-Binary Kubernetes
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Show me the code
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Can I run it?
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Show me the code
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Can I it talk to it?
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Show me the code
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Config or it didn’t happen!
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Show me the code
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How to inspect Kubernetes? keyvalue store
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Show me the code
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How to escape Kubernetes?
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Show me the code
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Control Plane ■ API server ■ etcd ■ kube-controller-manager ■ kube-scheduler Data Plane ■ kubelet ■ kube-proxy