Petyo Dimitrov

Petyo Dimitrov

For 17 years Petyo has been developing Java Enterprise Applications, Integrations, and SOA & Microservices solutions. As a leading architect in Qinshift (ex. Musala Soft), a global technology company with 5000+ experts, he is helping teams reliably deliver large-scale multi-year projects for demanding clients like IBM, Deutsche Telekom, Volkswagen, banks, FinTech unicorns, and startups.

Petyo is also a Ph.D. in Computer Systems and loves sharing and gaining knowledge at conferences and community events.

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WTF is NFT? ISTAcon October 2022
Java Code Doctor Java2Days March 2022
My interview experience Musala Smart Talks November 2019
Enterprise Java Developer’s Survival Guide ISTA Con November 2017
[panel] Blockchain - Digital Assets & Cryptocurrencies Muffin Conference Sofia October 2017
Enterprise Java Developer’s Survival Guide Java2Days October 2017
Internals of Cryptocurrencies & Digital Assets Muffin Conference Sofia October 2017
Connected Home - Deutche Telekom’s Qivicon Connected World & IoT Seminar by Muffin July 2017
Enterprise Java Development - What’s new in Java EE Muffin Conference Skopje June 2017
Enterprise Java Developer’s Survival Guide Muffin Conference Belgrade March 2017
Using Docker to deliver Java Enterprise Applications, one year later… jPrime May 2016
Achieving Continuous Delivery with Docker ISTAcon November 2015
Achieving Continuous Delivery with Docker Muffin Conference Skopje November 2015
Improving web application automation testing with Groovy, Spock, and Geb South East European Testing Conference October 2015
Service Oriented Architecture … with the IBM SOA stack Muffin Conference Sofia September 2015
Improving web application automation testing with Groovy, Spock, and Geb ISTAcon November 2014
Introduction to Spring Framework Muffin Conference Sofia October 2014
XML based Web Services (in Bulgarian) Muffin Conference Sofia September 2013

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