Effective Unit & Integration Testing - Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

A presentation at Qinshift Tech Talk by Petyo Dimitrov

In today’s agile software development processes, effective testing is crucial. It must be an integral part of writing code to ensure the resulting product functions as specified. In this session, we will define what constitutes good unit and integration tests and share common bad practices in unit testing that we have encountered over time.

We’ll explore real-world examples of poor testing patterns, their negative impacts, and how to rework them into more effective practices. Additionally, we will discuss how AI can be used to improve unit testing by assisting in writing effective test cases and enhancing test maintenance.

By the end, you’ll have a structured approach to writing better tests!

Key Takeaways:

  • Characteristics of Effective Tests
  • Common Pitfalls in Testing
  • Efficient Test Creation
  • Integrating AI in Testing