A presentation at Smashing Conference Freiburg 2024 in in Freiburg, Germany by Phil Hawksworth
Getting to the glass approaches to rendering views on the web Phil Hawksworth, Netlify
Getting to the glass
Getting to the glass
JavaScript dates + Daylight saving January 32th
Getting to the glass
Getting to the glass
“Time to glass”
Server Client
All the magic that does the things that gets the stuff to the place
All the magic that does the things that gets the Getting stuff totothe theplace glass approaches to rendering views on the web Phil Hawksworth, Netlify
oh, hello Phil Hawksworth According to my family, I work in computers
oh, hello Phil Hawksworth According to my family, I work in computers
n I d e k n i L s d a h re T oh, hello Tw i t te r G i tH u @ PhilHawksworth Developer Relations, Netlify Bl ueS k y n o d o M as t b
How do we do the best job of getting to the glass?
Trends in web development are cyclical
Pendulum Extreme Extreme
Pendulum Extreme Extreme The sweet spot
It depends
G / ISR / ODB / SPA / MPA / ESR PA / MPA / SSR / CSR / SSG / D / SPA / MPA / SSR / CSR / SSG / SSR / CSR / SSG / DPR / DSG SSR / CSR / SSG / DPR / DSG / ESR / ISR / ODB / SPA / MPA /
It depends Requirements / Costs / Time / Skills / Sustainability…
Simplicity is always something to strive for
The principle of least power https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/leastPower.html
Computer Science […] spent a lot of effort making languages which were as powerful as possible. Nowadays we have to appreciate the reasons for picking not the most powerful solution but the least powerful — Tim Berners-Lee https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Principles.html#PLP
Simplify as much as possible But no more
Pendulum Complexity Simplicity
How do we do the best job of getting to the glass?
G / ISR / ODB / SPA / MPA / ESR PA / MPA / SSR / CSR / SSG / D / SPA / MPA / SSR / CSR / SSG / SSR / CSR / SSG / DPR / DSG SSR / CSR / SSG / DPR / DSG / ESR / ISR / ODB / SPA / MPA /
Pendulum Client render Server render ?
All the magic that does the things that gets the stuff to the place
Server-side Build Server Client-side Client
! ? y l l re a Server-side Build Server Edge-side Edge Client-side Client
Generate our pages Enhance our pages Display our pages BUILD EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
I’m excited about this pattern — Shameless display of feelings, Phil Hawksworth, Just now
What’s This website utilizes technologies such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as for analytics, personalization, and targeted advertising purposes. You may change your settings at any time or accept the default settings. You may close this banner to continue with only essential cookies, but we’d prefer you to accidentally press the big Accept button Cookie Policy Accept Review
What’s This website utilizes technologies such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as for analytics, personalization, and targeted advertising purposes. You may change your settings at any time or accept the default settings. You may close this banner to continue with only essential cookies, but we’d prefer you to accidentally press the big Accept button Cookie Policy Accept Review
COOL? We use cookies because, well, we have to. Click “Accept” if you want to proceed - if not, tough luck. Manage your preferences if you dare by clicking What’s “Cookie Settings”. We gather data through cookies to tailor content, track our traffic, and for some social media stuff. By accepting, you’ve committed. Read about it in our Privacy Policy if you care. Click the link to enlighten yourself. Your privacy matters, but so does our need for cookies. Hit “Accept All” if you have no choice. Choices are limited here. Adjust your settings in our Cookie Settings - or risk the consequences. Cookies make our site snazzy. Click “Accept All Cookies” or face the consequences. No turning back. Tinker with your cookie settings, if you dare, and uncover our cookie schemes in the Cookie Policy link.am. We are here to assist you and ensure that your browsing experience is both enjoyable and secure. Accept Review
Display conditional Interface SO Control cookies Third-party client-side JavaScript Performance killers BUT Terrible interface
Server-side Server Edge-side Edge Client-side Client
No JavaScript
No client-side JavaScript
HTML arrives complete
Location aware Without needing permission
Sandboxed from other site code Yet under control of site owners
An edge function example netlify/edge-functions/hello.ts export default () =>” new Response(“Hello world”); export const config = { path: “/hello” }; `
An edge function example netlify/edge-functions/cookie-consent.ts import { Context } from “@netlify/edge-functions”; import myCookieBannerTemplate from ‘./utils/banner.js’; import cookiePolicyCountries from ‘./utils/territories.js’; ` export default async (request: Request, context: Context) =>” { const countryCode = context.geo?.country?.code;
import { Context } from “@netlify/edge-functions”; An import myCookieBannerTemplate from ‘./utils/banner.js’; edge function example import cookiePolicyCountries from ‘./utils/territories.js’; netlify/edge-functions/cookie-consent.ts export default async (request: Request, context: Context) =>” { const countryCode = context.geo?.country?.code; ` // Show the cookie banner to visitors from the correct countries if(cookiePolicyCountries.includes(countryCode)) { // Get the HTTP response content const response = await context.next();
export default async (request: Request, context: Context) =>” { An edge function example const countryCode = context.geo?.country?.code; netlify/edge-functions/cookie-consent.ts // Show the cookie banner to visitors from the correct countries if(cookiePolicyCountries.includes(countryCode)) { // Get the HTTP response content const response = await context.next(); ` const page = await response.text(); // Insert the UI just before the end of the body tag const ui = myCookieBannerTemplate(countryCode); const regex = /</body>/i;
if(cookiePolicyCountries.includes(countryCode)) { An edge function example // Get the HTTP response content netlify/edge-functions/cookie-consent.ts const response = await context.next(); const page = await response.text(); // Insert the UI just before the end of the body tag const ui = myCookieBannerTemplate(countryCode); const regex = /</body>/i; ` const updatedPage = page.replace(regex, ui); return new Response(updatedPage, response); } }
Generate our pages Enhance our pages Display our pages BUILD EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
Framework free
Framework agnostic
Generate our pages Enhance our pages Display our pages BUILD EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
Localised times
Localized times
Pricing data and stock levels
How well does it work?
How well does it FAIL ?
Will they notice?
Global navigation
Global navigation
Global footer
But what about data that’s not close to the edge?
Many sites Many stacks Many brand teams Many headaches when trying to keep them all consistent, and the various legal and compliance teams happy
SSI FFS. Not another TLA
Server-side Build Server Edge-side Edge Client-side Client
An edge include functionutility example any-old-page.html <edge-include href=“https://example.com/global-footer.html“ /> `
An edge include functionutility example any-old-page.html <edge-include href=“https://example.com/global-footer.html“> <footer> <ul> <li><a href=”/”>Home</a></li> ` <li><a href=”/legal”>Legal</a></li> <li><a href=”/styleguide”>Styleguide</a></li> </ul> </footer> </edge-include>
element.replace(html, { html: true }); } include An edge functionutility example } } netlify/edge-functions/include.ts export default async (request: Request, context: Context) =>” { const resp = await context.next(); return new HTMLRewriter() .on(‘edge-include’, new UserElementHandler()) .transform(resp); }; `
An edge include functionutility example netlify/edge-functions/include.ts class UserElementHandler { async element(element) { // Go get it const url = element.getAttribute(‘href’); let response = await fetch(new Request(url)); if(response.ok) { ` // Replace the custom element with the content let html = await response.text(); element.replace(html, { html: true }); } } }
An edge include functionutility example netlify/edge-functions/include.ts class UserElementHandler { async element(element) { // Go get it const url = element.getAttribute(‘href’); let response = await fetch(new Request(url)); if(response.ok) { ` // Replace the custom element with the content let html = await response.text(); element.replace(html, { html: true }); } } }
E N DO T S A F E N DO Generate our pages Enhance our pages Display our pages BUILD EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
But what about data that’s not close to the edge?
Making edge rendering fast Data API Source API Function SWR Edge Edge Function
A similar emerging pattern
PPR Partial Prerendering
Generate our pages Enhance our pages Display our pages BUILD EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
Generate our pages Request and stream enhancements Update our pages BUILD / SSR EDGE CLIENT POTENTIALLY
Pendulum Monolithic Decoupled
Did we learn anything?
Rendering patterns are yours to control
Understand requirements. Make choices. Start simple.
Do as much as possible in advance
Don’t be hypnotised by the pendulum
It depends
Should I piss off Cookie Monster?
Attributions and resources Links https://twitter.com/philhawksworth https://hawksworx.com https://edge-functions-examples.netlify.app/ https://developers.netlify.com/guides/how-to-make-edge-rendering-fast/ https://developers.netlify.com/guides/partial-prerendering-without-a-framework/ Images https://unsplash.com/photos/clear-drinking-glass-with-orange-liquid-4aWCVJA2uSo https://unsplash.com/photos/a-tall-glass-sitting-on-top-of-a-table-fiN073Jt5L8 https://unsplash.com/photos/turned-on-flat-screen-monitor-6j_lmeycTrM https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-and-black-floral-wreath-6BMjuiB_IF0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/tangledcontrolpads/639854414/in/photostream/ https://unsplash.com/photos/bonfire—98jVaVuGv0
Thanks @philhawksworth
Controlling what your users see, and achieving good performance when it comes to page speed and response times, all influence how effective your web sites are. Getting it right can be hugely profitable. Getting it wrong can be costly for us all.
There have never been more technologies and approaches available to us as developers and technical architects. Trends and popularity and “best practices” seem to change all the time, so how do we choose the right approach for our projects?
In this talk, we’ll explore a number of popular techniques for populating and delivering content into web views for our users. We’ll compare different rendering models to help us understand the benefits and limitations of each one, and we’ll build examples with different tools to show how our choices influence the developer experience, user experience, and environmental impact of our projects.