A presentation at Design Systems London in in London, UK by Inayaili León
Design systems: how to foster participation @yaili Design Systems London, November 2018
About you…
About me…
What are design systems
A design system is not a pattern library, brand guidelines or a Sketch file.
A system of living principles, guides and components used by designers and developers to build consistent products and experiences.
A design system is a product. It has users, roadmaps, releases, features, maintenance, bugs, documentation and support.
5 tips to increase participation
Thank you! @yaili bit.ly/dpl-ep4 References: bit.ly/dsl-2018
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
All the resources mentioned in the presentation, and photo credits.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Want your #DesignSystem to be used and adopted ?
— Benno Lœwenberg (@BennoLoewenberg) November 16, 2018
Establishing a clear process about how to participate & submit new #UIelements to the #PatternLibrary is cruicial to it's success — by @yaili @DSLconf #DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/xoKk5GgJEL
Really like @yaili's definition of #designsystem. 👏👏#DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/E58vl86HNf
— James Nash (@c1rrus) November 16, 2018
Awesome takes by @yaili about how to shrink the gap between a design system team and potential collaborators, taking all of these to home @DSLconf #designsystemslondon
— Jeremias Menichelli (@jeremenichelli) November 16, 2018
”You don't have to have many supercomplicated rules but be sure that all of them are very clear and visible.” @yaili about setting clear processes around design systems #DesignSystemsLondon
— Jan Toman (@HonzaTmn) November 16, 2018
@yaili: Everyone should feel comfortable contributing to a design system without feeling foolish. #DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/X84wzSZPXa
— Nick Blackford (@nickblackford) November 16, 2018
`Be sure to allow ways for everyone to participate. Some people are not very vocal but still has stuff to add: async participation for example.` - (Free style quote of @yaili's words in Design Systems London'18.
— Luis Belmonte Díaz (@LuisBelmonte) November 16, 2018
— diveloper (@albinotonnina) November 16, 2018
Wise wise wise really applicable suggestions from @yaili about #designsystems 👍👍👍
Too much to quote, just watch the video of the talk! Great job putting together this talk! I wish I was there to chat with you about my experiences and yours. Next time!
”If users don't like what you created for them, they’re gonna to reject it. And that’s how design systems die.
— Jan Toman (@HonzaTmn) November 16, 2018
Show changes soon and often. Be open.” @yaili #DesignSystemsLondon
.@yaili on encouraging participation in #designsystems 👏 pic.twitter.com/YUOpcAEG7P
— Design Systems London (@DSLconf) November 16, 2018
The design systems tips talk by @yaili is so insightful @DSLconf pic.twitter.com/9v3d4yoq3X
— Chris Firth (@chrisfirth86) November 16, 2018
‘Create safe spaces to discuss design and engineering issues’ @yaili @DSLconf #DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/oBxO461upO
— Naomi White (@naomijowhite) November 16, 2018
“Just like any other product, you don't get it right first time you try.” @yaili #DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/nb0PDO35Of
— Jan Toman (@HonzaTmn) November 16, 2018
The very talented @yaili clarifies what a design system actually is. Ingredients need a recipe! #DesignSystemsLondon pic.twitter.com/TSHxjvIgLf
— Nick Blackford (@nickblackford) November 16, 2018
5 Steps to design systems participation/contribution:
— crazy witch asian (@jina) November 16, 2018
1. Lead by example.
2. Make processes clear.
3. Listen to the quiet ones.
4. Be ready to accept help.
5. Share work in progress.
— @yaili #designsystemslondon pic.twitter.com/EYA5vSLS2N
Definitions of #DesignSystems at #DesignSystemsLondon 1/6@yaili defines a #DesignSystem like this:
— Benno Lœwenberg (@BennoLoewenberg) November 21, 2018
- not just a #PatternLibrary
+ a system of living #principles
+ a full-blown #product@DSLconf pic.twitter.com/Xe3bKZquvX
This is the kind of talk you'll want to watch 2 - 3 times, gave me so much to think about 💯
— Sid (@siddharthkp) November 16, 2018
thanks @yaili https://t.co/nMMGh618Ti
Great talk by @yaili - love the process #designsystemslondon pic.twitter.com/5GGkhEs24L
— Michael Fitzgerald (@mkeftz) November 16, 2018
I love this point from @yaili - “don’t make people feel silly for asking the same questions over and over again”. This is good - it embeds an open and robust process. #DesignSystemsLondon
— Nick Blackford (@nickblackford) November 16, 2018