The well-being paradox in learning to code

A presentation at The well-being paradox in learning to code in in Leeds, UK by Claire Garside

It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning. The aim of my EdD research is to explore how ‘learning by making’ can impact on the emotional well-being of children as an outcome of a formal curriculum environment, in contrast to health and well-being seen as prerequisites to learning.

The adoption and practice of constructionism to facilitate ‘maker education’, with relevance to student-centred pedagogies, is fundamental to this study. It recognises previous research showing how emotional well-being can be enhanced when an individual has a clear sense of their own purpose and value within society.

It seems logical that relevant outputs will support the well-being of children through the development of social learning alongside non-cognitive skills. How could this apply to workplace settings?


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.