Masterclass — How to be clear: the elements of content design

A presentation at Web Directions Summit in in Sydney NSW, Australia by Jonathon Colman


On October 30, the day before Summit, spend a day with Jonathon Colman, content strategist extraordinaire.

Designing content is hard because writing for people is hard. And writing for mobile apps and experiences is even harder still. How do you find the right voice, develop effective principles and standards, and agree with people on what you mean when you say what you say?

This workshop gives you the tools and experiences you need to make content design easier, faster, better, and more manageable in your organization. You’ll leave with the knowledge and frameworks you need to scale your content design across all of your interactive products, websites, and other experiences as your organization grows.

What you’ll learn

Content doesn’t mean “write the words” any more than design means “make it pretty.” When you design content, you‘re creating an experience with words.

That’s why this workshop covers:

  • A complete, end-to-end process for approaching content design for websites and apps
  • A process for discovering your organization’s core values—and use them to guide all of your content
  • A model for designing content from high-level principles to standards all the way down to individual terms
  • A way to conduct—and get the most out of—the design critique process so that you can iterate on your work and build strong teams

Who it’s for

This workshop is best for the people who make content happen in your organization: writers, designers, product managers, information architects, and marketers.

What to bring

  • You
  • Your laptop, mobile device, or notebook
  • Your big, juicy brain (caffeine optional)

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