A presentation at GIF London in in London, UK by Josh Silverman
We’re living in a time where design has never been more valued and technology accelerates ever faster. There are more companies at billion-dollar valuations than ever before. And yet, hustle culture hasn’t fully evolved, and startups are still moving so fast that a few things do get broken along the way. Before we reach a critical stage, let’s pay more attention to the stuff that persists – like people. This talk will show you how to diagnose and solve for the People Layer, including:
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Design Fucking Thinking by Marc O’Brien https://designfuckingthinking.tumblr.com/
Relationship maps author Michael Polivka https://twitter.com/michaelpolivka
User Manual of me, by Cassie Robinson https://medium.com/@cassierobinson/a-user-manual-for-me-d3a851fbc694
Project Aristotle by Google https://rework.withgoogle.com/blog/five-keys-to-a-successful-google-team/
Level Up, a framework for self-assessing team performance, by Designer Fund https://designerfund.com/levelup/
The cost of meetings 📅💸 http://phillip.io/%F0%9F%93%85%F0%9F%92%B8/
Clockwise, a tool for managing time https://www.getclockwise.com/
Range, the startup building healthy workplace habits, and the Medium post that quoted its co-founder, Braden https://www.range.co/
Meeting Design by Kevin M. Hoffman https://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/meeting-design/
It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work by the co-founders of Basecamp https://basecamp.com/books/calm
Andrew Lightheart, an excellent coach and your neighbor up in Brum, author of Presentation Now http://andrewlightheart.com/about
Design Better, a series by InVision on team performance – including videos, workshops, conversations, and more https://www.designbetter.co/