A presentation at International JavaScript Conference in in Munich, Germany by Phil Hawksworth
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 WIRELESS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SERVERLESS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 CAN WE REALLY TAKE SERVERS OUT OF THE EQUATION?
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth s s e l r e v r se International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 ⚡ ⚡ k c a t s jam
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FOCUSSING ON THE THINGS YOU CARE ABOUT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FOCUSSING ON THE THINGS YOU o t e v ha CARE ABOUT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 d e t a r e b li TO FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 JUST WRITE CODE CHRIS NORING, 11:47AM
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 r p e h t h it w m e l ob DOING BIG PROJECTS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 CONSTRAINTS AND COMPLEXITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE ! y m oh
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 WHERE TO FOCUS OUR EFFORTS?
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 http://full-stack.netlify.com
netlify Are you being servered? LINES AND BOXES @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 @ PHIL HAWKSWORTH HE / HIM DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE NETLIFY
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FINDTHAT.AT/JAMSTACK-BOOK
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FINDTHAT.AT/SOMETHINGSOMETHING FINDTHAT.AT/SERVERED FINDTHAT.AT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF BRITAIN, I APOLOGISE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FUNCTIONS AS A SERVICE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SERVING WEBSITES WITHOUT WEBSERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 k c a t s m ja JAVASCRIPT / API / MARKUP
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 STACKS FOR DAYZ AN / LAMP / MAMP / XAMP / ROR / WISA / MEA WISA / MEAN / LAMP / MAMP / XAMP / ROR /
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 k c a t s m a j A modern architecture — Create fast and secure sites and dynamic apps with JavaScript, APIs, and pre-rendered Markup, served without web servers
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 BAKE, DON’T FRY – Aaron Swartz http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000404
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 I CARE ABOUT NOT HAVING TO MAINTAIN CRANKY AOLSERVER, POSTGRES AND ORACLE INSTALLS AARON SWARTZ, 2002 http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000404
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 TOOLS AND ECOSYSTEM
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SO… WHAT CAN A STATIC SITE EVEN BE?
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 REACTJS.ORG REACTJS.ORG STATIC
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 YARNPKG.COM REACTJS.ORG STATIC
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth VUEJS.ORG REACTJS.ORG International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth JUSTDOIT.NIKE.COM REACTJS.ORG International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 A LITTLE MORE “DYNAMIC”
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth SMASHINGMAGAZINE.COM SMASHINGMAGAZINE.COM International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth SQUOOSH.APP REACTJS.ORG International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth SQUOOSH.APP REACTJS.ORG International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PHILIP GOT COCKY
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SOME PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET NOTICED
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 😳
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth FINDTHAT.AT/TIME https://setyourwatchby.netlify.com International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth FINDTHAT.AT/TIME https://setyourwatchby.netlify.com International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth FINDTHAT.AT/TIME https://setyourwatchby.netlify.com International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth FINDTHAT.AT/TIME https://setyourwatchby.netlify.com International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? WEBTASK.IO @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? WEBTASK.IO @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 ( DON’T DO THIS )
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 a r t s u l il … t n i o p a g tin VERY LOW DEPLOYMENT FRICTION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 a r t s u l il … t n i o p a g tin EVENTS AND AUTOMATION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth a International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 t a k o o l k c i u q TWO PRINCIPLES
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PRE-RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PRE-RENDERING SERVERLESS RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 r o f s e v i t o m PRE-RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 DOING THE WORK NOW, SO YOUR SERVERS DON’T HAVE TO LATER
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PUT DISTANCE BETWEEN THE COMPLEXITY AND THE USER
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 k c a t s m ja REQUEST TIME BULD TIME DEPLOYMENT BUILD
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 JAMSTACK ADVANTAGES SECURITY PERFORMANCE SCALE
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SECURITY
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 A GREATLY REDUCED SURFACE AREA
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FAR FEWER MOVING PARTS TO ATTACK
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PERFORMANCE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 TRADITIONAL STACKS ADD STATIC LAYERS IN ORDER TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 CACHING GALORE
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SCALE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 TRADITIONAL STACKS ADD INFRASTRUCTURE IN ORDER TO SCALE
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 DECOUPLING
netlify Are you being servered? GET TO THE CHOPPER CDN @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PRE-RENDERING SERVERLESS RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PRE-RENDERING SERVERLESS RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 k c a t s m a j A modern architecture — Create fast and secure sites and dynamic apps with JavaScript, APIs, and pre-rendered Markup, served without web servers
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NEED A LITTLE LOGIC ON A SERVER MANY OF US, SOMETIMES
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SERVERLESS TO THE RESCUE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LET’S JUST RECREATE EVERYTHING IN SERVERLESS FUNCTIONS THAT VOICE OF TEMPATION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 e e r f FROM INFRASTRUCTURE e e r f t o n t bu FROM DYNAMIC LOGIC
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AUGMENTATION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 ENHANCEMENT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 STATIC FIRST MARKUS SCHORK, UNILEVER
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 VLOLLY.NET/LOLLY/3hmtt2r3b AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 s t n e m e r i u q re
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 s l o to
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 const faunadb = require(‘faunadb’); const q = faunadb.query; const client = new faunadb.Client({ secret: process.env.FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET }); module.exports = () “=> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) “=> { client.query( q.Paginate(q.Match(q.Ref(“indexes/all_lollies”))) ).then((response) “=> { const lollies = response.data; const getAllDataQuery = lollies.map((ref) “=> { return q.Get(ref); }); return client.query(getAllDataQuery).then((ret) “=> { resolve(ret); }); }).catch((error) “=> { reject(error); }); }) } Authenticate with the DB query for all d n a . .. s ie l l o l e h t their data resolve the s ie l l o l f o e is m pro s r o r r e y n a h c cat
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 404
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 TRIGGERS AND AUTOMATION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 AN EXAMPLE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
Are you being servered?
International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
const faunadb = require(‘faunadb’); const shortid = require(‘shortid’); const querystring = require(‘querystring’); const axios = require(‘axios’); const q = faunadb.query const client = new faunadb.Client({ secret: process.env.FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET }) exports.handler = (event, context, callback) “=> { const data = querystring.parse(event.body); const uniquePath = shortid.generate(); data.lollyPath = uniquePath; const lolly = { data: data }; client.query(q.Create(q.Ref(‘classes/lollies’), lolly)) .then((response) “=> { axios.post(‘https:”//api.netlify.com/build_hooks/5d46fa20da4a1b70047f2f04’) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); return callback(null, { body: JSON.stringify(response), statusCode: 302, headers: { Location: /lolly/${uniquePath}
, } }); }).catch((error) “=> { return callback(null, { statusCode: 400, body: JSON.stringify(error) }); }); }
Authenticate with the DB
Post the data rebuild Send the user To check the freezer FOR A LOLLY
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 “CHECK THE FREEZER”? WUT???!? ALL OF YOU, POSSIBLY
netlify Are you being servered? CHECK FOR A PRE-GENERATED LOLLY PAGE @philhawksworth 200 International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SERVE THE STATIC PAGE 404 RENDER A DYNAMIC VIEW
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
Are you being servered?
International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
const faunadb = require(‘faunadb’); const pageTemplate = require(‘./lollyTemplate.js’); const q = faunadb.query; const client = new faunadb.Client({ secret: process.env.FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET }); exports.handler = (event, context, callback) “=> { const path = event.queryStringParameters.id.replace(“/”, “”); client.query( q.Get(q.Match(q.Index(“lolly_by_path”), path)) ).then((response) “=> { return callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: pageTemplate(response.data) }); }).catch((error) “=> { return callback(null, { body: JSON.stringify(error), statusCode: 301, headers: { Location: /melted/index.html
, } }); }); }
Get page as a javascript l a r e it l e t a l p tem Authenticate with the DB Get the lolly data w ie v y l l o l e v r e S k a e r B . y l l o L o N the bad news
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? a @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 ? o m e d k c i qu
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth FINDTHAT.AT/LOLLYTRICKS International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 https://css-tricks.com/static-first-pre-generated-jamstack-sites-with-serverless-rendering-as-a-fallback/
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 s r e l b a en
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 CUSTOM 404 ROUTING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 [[redirects]] from = “/lolly”/*” to = “/.netlify/functions/showLolly?id=:splat” status = 302 force = “false”
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 EVENTS, TRIGGERS AND AUTOMATION
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 DATABASE AS A SERVICE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 FUNCTIONS AS A SERVICE
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 PRE-RENDERING SERVERLESS RENDERING
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 A SHIFT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 m o r f SEEKING TO OPTIMIZE BY ADDING STATIC LAYERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 to STATIC FIRST ENHANCING IF REQUIRED
netlify Are you being servered? l a n o i it d a r t k c a t s m ja @philhawksworth CDN International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 LOAD BALANCER WEB SERVERS DB SERVERS
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SIMPLIFYING IS NOT DUMBING DOWN
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SIMPLIFYING IS NOT DUMBING DOWN IT LETS US FOCUS ON WHAT REALLY IS IMPORTANT
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth EASIER TO REASON ABOUT International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 WHAT SHALL WE MAKE?
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 STATIC SITE GENERATORS staticgen.com NETLIFY www.netlify.com STATIC VARIOUS RELATED RESOURCES FROM CHRIS COYIER https://serverless.css-tricks.com/ CITRIX PRESENTATION FROM JAMSTACKCONF NYC youtube.com/watch?v=kvS5h5domf0
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 JAMSTACK CONFERENCE jamstackconf.com HEADLESS / DECOUPLED CMS headlesscms.org STATIC ABOUT THE JAMSTACK / COMMUNITY jamstack.org BUILDING A URL SHORTENER WITH NETLIFY REDIRECTS findthat.at
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 SO I GUESS WE’RE FULL STACK NOW? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFOfQsi5ye0 MODERN WEB DEVELOPMENT ON THE JAMSTACK netlify.com/oreilly-jamstack/ JAMSTACK SLACK jamstack.org/slack JAMSTACK COMMENTS EXAMPLE jamstack-comments.netlify.com STATIC
netlify Are you being servered? @philhawksworth International JavaScript Conference, Munich 2019 STATIC JAMSTACK SLACK jamstack.org/slack
JAMstack is an emerging term which describes an approach to architecting and delivering sites as pre-rendered assets, and where necessary, enhancing them with JavaScript and services via APIs
There has never been a better time for a fresh look at how we approach building and delivering web sites and applications. From the careful selection of JavaScript libraries and frameworks, to the use of emerging tools, services, and platforms.
In this talk we’ll explore how an application can be built to include pre-rendered user interface elements and dynamic APIs backed with data services. All without needing to manage or maintain a server.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Great vibes in the keynote session by @philhawksworth - exploring our approach to building and delivering web sites and applications #iJScon #iJS19 pic.twitter.com/CkMz22q6u9
— JavaScriptCon (@JavaScriptCon) October 24, 2019
In his keynote @philhawksworth explores together with the audience how an application can be built to include pre-rendered user interface elements and dynamic APIs backed with data services. All without needing to maintain/manage a server. #IntPHPcon #ipc19 pic.twitter.com/JnGmXy3YPp
— phpconference (@phpconference) October 24, 2019
Best analogy for #serverless. Think about #wireless chargers; there are wires, somewhere, right? Same applies to #serverless and #servers. From @philhawksworth at @JavaScriptCon @phpconference pic.twitter.com/neQ5cM2UVi
— Sebastian Meyen (@smeyen) October 24, 2019