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It Infrastructure
Here are some presentations relating to the subject of It Infrastructure. You can
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Horacio Gonzalez
Let’s dive into Kubernetes operator creation
Viktor Gamov
Service Mesh for Java Developers
Svyatoslav Kryukov
Let there be docs! A documentation-first approach to Rails API development
Jakub Beneš
Co možná nevíte o React Dev Tools
Savvas Dalkitsis
Back to front – Backend technologies for the frontend developer
Stéphane Philippart
Développer un opérateur Kubernetes, pourquoi et comment ?
Horacio Gonzalez
Kubernetes, dépassionné et pour les ultra débutants
Stéphane Philippart
Les opérateurs Kubernetes à la portée de n’importe quel·le développ·euse·eur
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Robin Moffatt
From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect
Robin Moffatt
From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect
Robin Moffatt
🤖Building a Telegram bot with Apache Kafka and ksqlDB
Vladimir Dementyev
Frontendless Rails Frontend
Robin Moffatt
Kafka as a Platform: the Ecosystem from the Ground Up
Rob Allen
Building with Slim 4
Robin Moffatt
From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect
Horacio Gonzalez
From Minikube to Production, Never Miss a Step in Getting Your K8s Ready
Robin Moffatt
Introduction to ksqlDB
Esther Olatunde
Let’s build a simple HTTP server with Ruby
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Modern Frontend Routing
Chris Munns
How AWS Builds Serverless Services Using Serverless - Introducing Amazon EventBridge
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