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Presentations by Horacio Gonzalez
All these presentations were given by
Horacio Gonzalez
between 2017 and 2025
</> htmx 2.0 & Web Components: A Perfect Match for Frontend Development
Nantes JUG
Démystifier la création d’opérateurs Kubernetes en Java avec Quarkus
Operators to the rescue: Manage your external data and legacy APIs from Kubernetes
Devoxx Morocco 2024
Operators to the rescue: Manage your external data and legacy APIs from Kubernetes
</> htmx 2.0 & Web Components: A Perfect Match for Frontend Development
JUG Summer Camp
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
Riviera Dev 2024
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
Codemotion Madrid
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
Devoxx UK
From Silos to DevOps to Platform Engineering: embracing GitOps and going behind the hype
Devoxx France 2024
Des silos au Platform Engineering en passant par le DevOps : adopter GitOps et aller au-delà de l’hype
Config Management Camp
Let’s dive into Kubernetes operator creation
DevOps Barcelona
Let’s dive into Kubernetes operator creation
Devoxx Belgium
WebComponents in 2023: A Comprehensive Exploration
Cloud Sud
Des silos au Platform Engineering en passant par le DevOps : adopter GitOps et aller au-delà de l’hype
Riviera Dev
Kubernetes, dépassionné et pour les ultra débutants
Riviera Dev
✏️ La pensée visuelle a changé ma vie
Riviera Dev
WebComponents in 2023: A Comprehensive Exploration
OVHcloud Spain Tech Lab
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
Devoxx France 2023
Kubernetes, dépassionné et pour les ultra débutants
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Poland
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Poland
How CDEs have changed my life (yeah, they have!)
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
Paris Open Source Data Infrastructure
Let’s dive into Terraform provider creation
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
Let’s dive into Terraform provider creation
GitPod Paris Meetup
How GitPod has changed my life (yeah, it has!)
Snowcamp 2023
Let’s dive into Terraform provider creation
Snowcamp 2023
Toi aussi apprends à développer un opérateur Kubernetes en Java avec Quarkus
What the heck is DevRel?
✏️ La pensée visuelle a changé ma vie
DevOps Barcelona
Let’s dive into Terraform provider creation
Container Day Italia
Let’s dive into Kubernetes operator creation
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Italy
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Italy
Devoxx MA
Toi aussi apprends à développer un opérateur Kubernetes en Java avec Quarkus
Lunaconf (Private Event)
What the heck is DevRel?
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
OVHcloud Kubernetes Tech Lab Spain
What the heck is DevRel?
Sunny Tech
What the heck is DevRel?
OpenExpo Europe
Cómo hemos construido una plataforma de IA basada en open source
HashiConf Europe
How a Top European Cloud Provider Migrated to TFE
What the heck is DevRel?
Industrializing AI in the cloud
LostInBrittany Discord Tutorials
One hour to learn Stencil
Cloud Expo Europe - Frankfurt
Industrializing AI in the cloud
Amsterdam DevRel Salon
What the heck is DevRel?
LostInBrittany Discord Tutorials
One hour to learn Stencil
DevRel Salon
What the heck is DevRel?
What the heck is DevRel?
Touraine Tech
GitPod: IDE as a service
Paris JUG
Developing for the cloud… in the cloud… with GitPod!
OVHcloud Meetup
What the heck is DevRel?
Developing for the cloud… in the cloud… with GitPod!
Devoxx UK
Developing for the cloud… in the cloud… with GitPod!
Cloud Expo Europe - Madrid Tech
Industrializing AI in the cloud
Container Day Italia
Developing for the cloud… in the cloud!
Cloud Nord
GitPod : IDE as a service, ou comment ne pas acheter un MacBook Pro à 6000 € et être heureux
Devoxx France 2021
Surchargés Live - Épisode 3
Let’s democratize artificial intelligence!
JUG Summer Camp
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
JUG Summer Camp
GitPod : IDE as a service, ou comment ne pas acheter un MacBook Pro à 6000 € et être heureux avec une petite machine
Incontro DevOps Italia
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
Server-side WebAssembly
Hands-on-lab: Hands on WebAssembly
Codemotion DevCast Spanish
Migrate to the Cloud, ok… But how I do it in real life?
Server-side WebAssembly
OVHcloud Academy
How to Automate and Optimize Workloads for an Affordable and Secure Journey to the Cloud
Codemotion Online Tech Conference 2021 - Spanish Edition
Design, develop and manage a catalog of Web Components
Codemotion Italia
Design, develop and manage a catalog of Web Components
JFokus Brown Bag Lunch
Design, develop and manage a catalog of Web Components
VMUG Latam
How to Automate and Optimize Workloads for an Affordable and Secure Journey to the Cloud
OVHcloud Webinar
Kubernetes for your startup workshop
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
Cloud Connect
Kubernetes in production – how to avoid the pitfalls!
La Chandeleur des Speakers 2021
One hour to learn Stencil
Design, develop and manage a catalog of Web Components
Everywhere Event
Server-side WebAssembly
Cloud Nord
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
COMET SIL - DevOps & Agile, REX et opportunités
OVHcloud K8s Team: DevOps & Agility in a Product Team
Codemotion Online Tech Conference 2020 - Spanish Edition
Server-side WebAssembly
Codemotion Webinar
Kubernetes Operators: An introduction
Codemotion Online 2020
Stencil 101: Introduction to a Web Components library like no other
Let’s demystify Sketchnoting
DevFest Poland
Are Web Components the Betamax of web development?
FrontSide Conf
Design, develop and manage a catalog of Web Components
DevOpsCon Berlin
Migrate 3 million websites without anybody noticing
JUG Summer Camp
Server-side WebAssembly
JUG Summer Camp
Hands-on-lab: Hands on WebAssembly
JUG Summer Camp
Kubecon Europe 2020
From Minikube to Production, Never Miss a Step in Getting Your K8s Ready
JDev 2020
OVHCloud K8s: DevOps & Agility in a Product Team
DevOpsCon Online
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
Kubernetes Operators: Operating Cloud Native services at scale
Ask the Expert Meetup
Futureproof your Design Systems with Web Components
Codemotion Dev Lunch Box
Stencil - A quick introduction
Kubernetes pour des développeurs Java
Cloud Expo Europe
Running Kubernetes from development into production – how to avoid the pitfalls!
Brest is AI
Souveraineté des données
Webinar Codemotion
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
DevFest Paris
Hands-on-lab: Hands on WebAssembly
Stencil 101: Introduction to a Web Components library like no other
Hands-on-lab: Hands on WebAssembly
Are Web Components the Betamax of web development?
Touraine Tech
I have deployed my app on Minikube… and now what?
I have deployed my app on Minikube… and now what?
GDG Le Mans
Monitoring OVH : 300K serveurs, 27 DCs une plateforme de métriques unique
SFEIR Lille Meetup
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
GDG Lille
WebAssembly for Developers (web… or not)
Montpellier JUG & DevOps Montpellier
Kubernetes for DevOps… and Java Devs
GDG Summit Europe
Joining efforts and communities to do bigger things
Devops D-Day 2019
Monitoring OVH : 300K serveurs, 27 DCs une plateforme de métriques unique
Devoxx Belgium
I have deployed my app on Minikube… and now what?
Codemotion Meetup Barcelona
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
Are Web Components the Betamax of web development?
DevFest Nantes
Les mains dans le cambouis avec WebAssembly
Meilleur Dev de France 2019
Kubernetes for Developers - A quick introduction
OVHcloud Summit
Kubernetes 201: Taking your Managed Kubernetes service to the next level
Capacitor: from PWA to native app in 5 minutes
DevFest Toulouse
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
Codemotion Madrid
Are Web Components the Betamax of web development?
WebAssembly for Developers (web… or not)
WebAssembly for Developers (web… or not)
JUG Summer Camp
J’ai déployé mes apps sur Minikube… maintenant je fais quoi ?
Sunny Tech
Surchargés Live - Episode 02 - WebAR
Sunny Tech
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
OpenExpo Europe
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
Devfest Lille
Capacitor: from PWA to native app in 5 minutes
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
GDG Nantes
Introduction et codelab Flutter
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
Web components en 2019, on en est où?
Devoxx UK
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
OVH Bordeaux Meetup
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
Paris Flutter Meetup
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
Android Makers
Two hours to write your first Flutter App
Devoxx France
Capacitor: from PWA to native app in 5 minutes
Devoxx France
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
Codemotion Amsterdam
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
Open Source Weekends
Kubernetes: beyond Minikube
DevAcademy Meetup
Construir desde cero un servicio Kubernetes administrado
Codemotion Rome
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA datasets
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
DevFest Paris
Web components en 2019, on en est où?
Touraine Tech
Web components en 2019, on en est où?
SnowCamp 2019
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
SnowCamp 2019
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
J'ai déployé mes apps sur Minikube... maintenant je fais quoi ?
Meetup Zenika Lille
J'ai déployé mes apps sur Minikube... maintenant je fais quoi ?
Bordeaux JUG
Web components en 2018, on en est où?
Codemotion Madrid
¿Qué es Flutter y por qué debería probarlo?
Codeurs en Seine
First steps with Capacitor… in the real world
GDE Summit
Hey GDEs, I think you should look at Flutter
DevFest Toulouse
First steps with Capacitor… in the real world
GDG Cloud Lyon
Multicloud ou comment ne pas mettre tous les oeufs dans le même cloud
Meilleur Dev de France 2018
Monitoring OVH: 300k servers, 27 DCs and one Metrics platform
DevFest Nantes 2018
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
DevFest Nantes 2018
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
What's Flutter and why should I try it?
Rencontres Régionales du Logiciel Libre
Open Source & OVH
JUG Summer Camp
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Code d'Armor
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA datasets
The Web Components interoperability challenge
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Code d’Armor
Introducing Time Series & Warp 10
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
Flutter Paris Meetup
Venez coder votre 1ère application Flutter !
DevFest Lille
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Web2Day 2018
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA datasets
Matinale Zenika - “Frameworks Javascript: Retours d'expériences”
Polymer in the Real Life
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Devoxx France
But there is no web component for that
Devoxx France
Surchargés Live
Devoxx France
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Codemotion Rome
The Web Components interoperability challenge
Ionic Zurich Meetup
First steps with Capacitor… in the real world
Rediscover the known Universe with NASA dataset
Montpellier JUG
Introducing Time Series & Warp 10
Matinale découverte au CESI Brest
Introducing Time Series & Warp 10
Touraine Tech
The Web Components interoperability challenge
Club des DSI du Finistère
Le développeurs expliqués à mon DSI
Paris Web Components Meetup
Il n'y a pas que Polymer dans la vie…
Warp 10 Meetup
Warp 10 - For your eyes only
Codeurs en Seine
But there is no web component for that
Stencil and the future of Ionic
Devoxx Belgium
But there is no web component for that
DevFest Toulouse
Mixité dans le monde des WebComponents
Il n'y a pas que Polymer dans la vie…
Il n'y a pas que Polymer dans la vie…
Best Of Web Paris
Hands-on lab on Progressive Web Apps with Polymer